Section B


(1) Varicella Encephalitis and Vaccinia Encephalitis. Brit. J. Children’s

Dis., 23.


(2) The Only Child. In : The Mind of the Gromng Child. (Lectures to

the National Society of Day Nurseries) ed. Viscountess Erleigh. (London : Faber.)


(3) Short Communication on Enuresis. St Bartholometc’s Hosp. J.,

April 1930.

(4) Pathological Sleeping (Case History). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 23.


(5) Pre-Systolic Murmur, Possibly Not Due to Mitral Stenosis (Case

History). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 24.

(6) Clinical Notes on Disorders of Childhood. (London : Heinemam)

(See Section A.)

(7) Fidgetiness. In (6), (116).

(8) A Note on Normality and Anxiety. In (6), (116).


(9) The Difficult Child. J. State Medicine, 42.

(10) Papular Urticaria and the Dynamics of Skin Sensation. Brit. J.

Children's Dis., 81.


(11) Discussion (with R. S. Addis and R. Miller) on Enuresis. Proc. Roy.

Soc. Med., 29.


(12) Skin Changes in Relation to Emotional Disorder. St John’s Hosp.

Der. Soc. Report, 1938.

(13) Shyness and Nervous Disorders in Children. The New Era in

Home and School, 19. Also in (108), (158).

(14) Notes on a Little Boy. The New Era in Home and School, 19.

(15) Review : Child Psychiatry by Léo Kanner (Baltimore, Md : Thomas,

1935 ; London : Baillière, 1937). Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 19.


(16) The Psychology of Juvenile Rheumatism. In : A Surgery of Child

Psychiatry ed. R. G. Gordon. (London : Oxford Univ. Press).


(17) Children in the War (Broadcast 1939). The New Era in Home and

School, 21. Also in (108).

(18) The Deprived Mother (Broadcast 1939). The New Era in Home and

School, 21. Also in (108).

(19) Children and their Mothers. The New Era in Home and School, 21.


(20) The Observation of Infants in a Set Situation. Int.J. Psycho-Anal., 22. Also in (116).

(21) On Influencing and Being Influenced. The New Era in Home and School,, 22. Also in (108), (158).


(22) Child Department Consultations. Int. y. Psycho-Anal., 28. Also in


(23) Why Children Play. The New Era in Home and School, 28. Also in

(108), (158).


(24) Delinquency Research. The New Era in Home and School, 21.

(25) The Magistrate, the Psychiatrist and the Clinic (Correspondence

with R. North). The New Era in Home and School, 24.


(26) (with Clare Britton) The Problem of Homeless Children. Childrens’ Communities Monograph No. 1. Also in : The New Era in Home and School, 25.

(27) Ocular Psychoneurones. Tram. Ophtalmological Soc., 44.


(28) Getting to Know Your Baby (Six Broadcast Talks). (London : Heinemann) (Also in : The New Era in Home and School, 26 ; and in (100), (158).

(29) Getting To Know Your Baby. In (28), (100), (138).

(30) Why Do Babies Cry ? In (28), (100), (158).

(31) Infant Feeding. In (28), (100), (158).

(32) What about Father ? In (28), (100), (158).

(33) Their Standards and Yours. In (28), (100), (158).

(34) Support for Normal Parents. In (28), (100), (158).

(35) Talking about Psychology. The New Era in Home and School, 26.

Reprinted under the title “What is Psycho-Analysis” ? The New Era in Home and School (1952), 83. Also under the title “Towards an Objective Study of Human Nature” in (108).

(36) Thinking and the Unconscious. The Liberal Magazine, March 1945.

* (37) Primitive Emotional Development. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 26. Also in (116). Spanish trans : “Desarrollo emocional primitivo”. Rev. de Psicoanal. (1948), 6.

(38) Pive Broadcast Talks in (108).

(39) The Evacuated Child. In (38), (108).

(40) The Return of the Evacuated Child. In (38), (108).

(41) Home Again. In (38), (108).

(42) The Only Child. In (38), (100), (158).

(43) Twins. In (38), (100), (158).


(44) What Do We Mean by a Normal Child ? The New Era in Home and

School, 27. Also in (100), (158).

(45) Some Psychological Aspects of Juvenile Delinquency. The New

Era in Home and School, 27. Also in (108) and as “Aspects of Juvenile Delinquency” in (158).

(46) Educational Diagnosis. Nat. Froebel Foundation Bull. No. 41. Also

in (108), (158).


(47) The Child and Sex. The Practitioner, 158. Also in (108), (158).

(48) Babies Are Persons. The New Era in Home and School, 28. Reprinted as “Further Throughts on Babies as Persons” in (108), (158).

(49) Physical Therapy of Mental Disorder. Brit. med. J., May 1947.

(50) (with Clare Britton) Residential Management as Treatment for

Difficult Children. Human Relations, 1. Also in (108).


(51) Children’s Hostels in War and Peace. Brit. y. med. Psychol., 21.

Also in (108).

(52) Obituary : Susan Isaacs. Nature, 162.

(53) Pediatric8 and Psychiatry. Brit. J. med. Psychol., 21. Also in (116).


(54) Sex Education in Schools. Mddical Press, 222. Also in (108), (108).

* (55) Hate in the Counter-Transference. Int. J. Psycho-Anat., 80. Also

in (116).

(56) Young Children and Other People. Young Children, 1, Also in (100), (158).

(57) Leucotomy. Brit. med. Students’ J., 3.

(58) The Ordinary Devoted Mother and Her Baby (Nine Broadcast Talks.

Privately published). Reprinted in (100), (158).

(59) Introduction to (58). Republished as “A Man Looks at Motherhood” in (100), (158).

(60) The Baby as a Going concern. In (58), (100), (158).

(61) Where the Food Goes. In (58), (100), (158).

(62) The End of the Digestive Process. In (58), (100), (158).

(63) The Baby as a Person. In (58), (100), (158). Also in Child-Family Dig., Feb. 1953.

(64) Close-Up of Mother Feeding Baby. In (58), (100), (138).

(65) The World in Small Doses. In (58), (100), (158).

(66) The Innate Morality of the Baby. In (58), (100), (158).

(67) Weaning. In (58), (100), (158).

(68) Review : Art versus Illness by Adrian Hill (London : Allen and Unwin), Brit. y. med. Psychol., 22.


(69) Review : Infancy of Speech and the Speech of Infancy by Leopold

Stem (London : Methuen, 1949). Brit. y. med. Psychol., 23.

(70) Some Thoughts on the Meaning of the Word Democracy. Human Relations, 8. Also in (163).


(71) The Foundation of Mental Health. Brit. med. J., June 1931.

(72) Review : Papers on Psycho-Analysis by Ernest Jones, 5th edn (London : Baillière, 1948). Brit. J. med. Psychol., 24.

(73) Review : Infant Feeding and Feeding Difficultés by P. R. Evans and R. Mac Keith (London : Churchill). Brit. J. med. Psychol., 84.

(74) The Times Correspondence on Care of Young Children. Nursery Journal, 41.

(75) Critical Notice : On Not Being Able to Paint by Joanna Field (London : Heinemann, 1930). Brit. J. med. Psychol., 84.


(76) Visiting Children in Hospital (Two B.B.C. Broadcast », 1951). Child-Family Digest, Oct. 1952 ; The New Era in Home and School, 88. Also in (100), (138).


* (77) Psychoses and Child Care. Brit. J. med. Psychol., 26. Also in (116).

* (78) Symptom Tolerance in Paediatrics. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 46. Also in (116).

* (79) Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 34. Also in (116). French trans. : “Objets transitionnels et phénomènes transitionnels”. In : La Psychanalyse, Vol. 5 (Paris : Presse Univ., 1959).

(80) Review : Psycho-Analysis and Child Psychiatry by Edward Glover (London : Imago). Brit. med. J., Sept. 1933.

(81) Review : Maternal Care and Mental Health by John Bowlby (Geneva : W.H.O., 1931). Brit. J. med. Psychol., 26.

(82) Review : Direct Analysis by John N. Rosen (New York : Grune and Stratton). Brit. J. Psychol., 44.

(83) Review : Twins : A Study of Three Pairs of Identical Twins by Dorothy Burlingham (London : Imago, 1952). The New Era in Home and School, 84.

(84) Review (with M. M. R. Khan) : Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality (London : Tavistock, 1952). Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 84.

(85) (with other members of the group) The Child’s Needs and the Role of the Mother in the Early Stages (unesco No. 9 in series “Problems in Education”). Also in (108) and as “Mother, Teacherand the Child’s Needs” in (138).


(86) Review : Aggression and its Interprétation by Lydia Jackson (London : Methuen). Brit. med. J., June 1934.

(87) Pitfalls in Adoption. Médical Press, 232. Also in (108).

(88) Two Adopted Children (Talk given to Assoc. Child Care Officers 1953). Case Conférence, 1. Also in (108).

* (89) Mind and its Relation to the Psyche-Soma. Brit.J. med. Psychol., 27. Also in (116).

(90) The Needs of the Under-Fives in a Changing Society. The Nursery Journal, 44. Also in (108) and as “The Needs of the Under-Fives” in (158).

(91) Review : Clinical Management of Behavior Disorders in Children by H. and R. M. Bakwin (Philadelphia : Saunders, 1953). Brit. med. J., Aug. 1954.


* (92) Régression et repli. Rev. franç. psychanal., 19. German trans. : “Zustande von Entrückung und Regression”. Psyché (1956), 10. In English, “Withdrawal and Regression”, in (116).

(93) Foreword to Any Wife or Any Husband by Joan Graham Malleson. (London : Heinemann.)

* (94) Metapsychological and Clinical Aspects of Regression within the Psycho-Analytical Set-Up, Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 88. Also in (116).

(95) Childhood Psychosis : A Case Managed at Home. Case Conference, 2. Also in (116).

* (96) The Depressive Position in Normal Emotional Development. Brit. J. med. Psychol., 88. Also in (116).

(97) Adopted Children in Adolescence. (Address to Standing Conference of Societies Registered for Adoption.) Report of Residential Conference, July, 1955.


* (98) On Transference. Int.J. Psycho-Anal., ST. Republished as “Clinical Varieties of Transference” in (116).


(99) The Contribution of Psycho-Analysis to Midwifery. Nursing Mirror, May, 1957. Also in (163).

(100) The Child and the Family. First Relationships. (London : Tavistock)

(See Section A.) American edition : Mother and Child (A Primer of First Relationships). New York : Basic Books.)

(101) Knowing and Leaming (Broadcast 1950). In (100).

(102) Instincts and Normal Difficulties (Broadcast 1950). In (100), (158).

(103) Stealing and Telling Lies (1949). In (100), (138).

(104) On Adoption (Broadcast 1955). In (100).

(103) First Experiments in Independence (1955). In (100), (158).

(106) The Mother’s Contribution to Society. In (100).

(107) Health Education through Broadcasting. Mother and Child, 28.

(108) The Child and the Outside World. Studies in Developing Relationships. (London : Tavistock) (See Section A.)

(109) The Impulse to Steal (1949). In (108).

(110) Breast Feeding (1945 – revised 1954). In (108), (158).

(111) Aggression (1939). In (108).


(112) Twins (Broadcast 194 s). Family Doctor, Feb. 1958.

(113) Review : The Doctor, His Patient and The Ilness by Michael Balint (London : Pitman, 1957). Int. y. Psycho-Anal., 89.

(114) Child Psychiatry. In : Modern Trends in Paediatrics ed. A. Holzel and J. P. M. Tizard. (London : Butterworth). Modified as “Theoretical Statement of the Field of Child Psychiatry”. In (163).

* (us) The Capacity to be Alone. Int.J. Psycho-Anal., 89. Also in (176).

German trans. : “Ueber die Fahigkeit, allein zu sein Psyché (1958), 12. Spanish trans. : “La capacidad para estar solo “Rev. de Psicoanal. (1959), 16 ; Rev. Uruguaya de Psicoanal. (1963), 6.

* (116) Collected Papers. Through Paediatrics to Psycho-Analysis. (London : Tavistock ; New York : Basic Books) (voir Section A.)

(117) Appetite and Emotional Disorder (1936). In (116).

* (118) Réparation in Respect of Mother’s Organized Defence against Depression (1948–revised 1954). In (116).

* (119) Anxiety Associated with Insecurity (1952). In (116).

* (120) The Manic Defence (1935). In (116).

(121) Birth Memories, Birth Trauma, and Anxiety (1949). In (n6).

* (122) Aggression in Relation to Emotional Development (1950-55). In : (116).

* (123) Primary Maternal Preoccupation (1956). In (116). German trans. : “Primäre Mutterlichkeit “Psyché (1960), 14.

* (124) The Antisocial Tendency (1956). In (116).

(125) Paediatrics and Childhood Neurosis. In (116).

(126) Ernest Jones. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 89.

(127) New Advances in Psycho-Analysis. Turkish trans. : “Psikanalizde

Iierlemeler”. Tipta Yenilikler, 4.

(128) Child Analysis. A Criança Portuguesa, 17. Also, under the title “Child Analysis in the Latency Period”, in (176).

* (129) Modem Views on the Emotional Development in the First Year of Life. Medical Press, March 1958. Republished as “The First Year of Life” in (163). Ital. trans. : “Il Primo Anno di Vita Infanzia Anormale (1959), 30. German trans. : “Ueber die emotionelle Entwicklung im ersten Lebensjahr”. Psyché (1960), 14. French trans. : “La Première année de la vie”. Rev. franç. psychanal. (1962), 26. Turkish trans. : “Hayatin Ilk. Yili”. Tipta Yenilikler (1962)., 7. Spanish trans. : “Primeiro Ano de Vida – Desenvolvimento Emocional J. de Pediatria (1961), 7.

(130) Discussion sur la contribution de l’observation directe de l’enfant à la psychanalyse. Rev. franç. psychanal., 22. In English : “On the Contribution of Direct Child Observation to Psycho-Analysis” in (176).

* (131) Psycho-Analysis and the Sense of Guilt. In : Psycho-Analysis and

Contemporary Thought ed. J. D. Sutherland. (London : Hogarth) Also in (176).


(132) Review : Envy and Gratitude by Melanie Klein. (London : Tavistock, 1957) Case Conference, 5.


* (133) Counter-Transference. Brit. J. med. Psychol., 33. Also in (176).

* (134) String. J. Ch. Psychol. Psychiat., 1. Also, as “String : A Technique of Communication”, in (176).

* (135) The Theory of the Parent-Infant Relationship. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 41. Also in (176). French trans. : “La Théorie de la relation parent-nourrisson Rev. franç. psychanal. (1961), 25.


(136) Integrating and Disruptive Factors in Family Life. Canad. Med.

Assoc. Jf., April 1961. In (163).

(137) Review : The Purpose and Practice of Medicine by Sir James Spence

(London : Oxford Univ. Press, i960). Brit. med. y., Feb. 1961.

* (138) The Effect of Psychotic Parents on the Emotional Development

of the Child. Brit. J. Psychiatric Soc. Work, 6. In (163).

(139) The Paediatric Department of Psychology. St Mary's Hosp. Gaz.,07.


(140) Review : Psychologie du premier âge by M. Bergeron (Paris : Presses

Univ., 1961). Arch. Dis. Childhood, 37.

(141) Review : Un Cas de psychose infantile by S. Lebovici and J. McDougall (Paris : Presses Univ., i960). J. Ch. Psychol. Psychiat., 3.

(142) The Child Psychiatry Interview. St Mary's Hosp. Gaz., 68.

* (143) The Theory of the Parent-Infant Relationship : Further Remarks. Int. J. Psycho-Anal 43. French trans. : “La Théorie de la relation parent-enfant : remarques complémentaires”. Rev. franç. psychanal. (1963), 27.

(144) Review : Letters of Sigmund Freud 1873-1939 ed. E. Freud (London : Hogarth). Brit. y. Psychol., 53.

* (145) Adolescence. The New Era in Home and School, 43. Also in (163).

Republished in modified form under title “Struggling through the Doldrums”, New Society, April 1963.


(146) Review : Schizophrenia in Children by William Goldfarb (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Press, 1961). Brit. J. Psychiatric Soc. Work, 7.

(147) Dependence in Infant-Care, in Child-Care, and in the Psycho-Analytic Setting. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 44. Also in (176).

(148) The Young Child at Home and at School. In : Moral Education in a Changing Society ed. W. R. Niblett. (London : Faber) Also in (176) as Morals and Education.

(149) The Development of the Capacity for Concern. Bull. Menninger Clin., 27. Also in (176).

* (150) Regression as Therapy Illustrated by the Case of a Boy whose Pathological Dependence was Adequately Met by the Parents. Brit. J. med. Psychol., 36.

(151) The Mentally ill in Your Caseload. In : New Thinking for Changing

Needs. (London : Assoc. Social Workers) Also in (176).

(152) A Psychotherapeutic Consultation : a Case of Stammering, wrongly

named : “The Antisocial Tendency Illustrated by a Case”. A Criança Portuguesa, 21.

(153) Training for Child Psychiatry. J. Ch. Psychol. Psychiat., 4. Also in (176).

(154) Review : The Nonhuman Environment by Harold F. Searles (New York : Int. Univ. Press, i960). Int. y. Psycho-Anal., 44.1964

(155) Review : Heal the Hurt Child by Hertha Riese (Chicago Univ. Press, 1963). New Society, Jan. 1964.

(156) Correspondence : Love or Skill ? Nezo Society, Feb. 1964.

(157) Review : Memories, Dreams, Reflections by C. G. Jung (London : Collins and Routledge, 1963). Int. y. Psycho-Anal., 45.

(158) The Child, The Family, and the Outside World. (Harmondsworth : Penguin Books. Pélican Book A668) (See Section A.)

(159) The Roots of Aggression (1964). In (158).

(160) The Value of Dépression (1963). Brit. J. Psychiatric Soc. Work, 7. (Shortened version entitled : Strength out of Misery, The Observer, 31-5-64).

(161) Youth Will not Sleep. New Society, 28-5-64. Atlas 8.

(162) Deductions drawn frorm a Psychotherapeutic Interview with an Adolescent. Report of the 20th Child Guidance Inter-Clinic Conference, 1964. National Association for Mental Health.


(163) The Family and Individual Development. (London : Tavistock, 1965) (See Section A).

(164) The Relationship of a Mother to Her Baby at the Beginning (1960).

In (163).

(165) Growth and Development in Immaturity (1950). In (163).

(166) On Security (i960). In (163).

(167) The Five-Year-Old (1962). In (163).

(168) The Family Affected by Depressive Illness in one or both Parents (1958). In (163).

(169) The Effect of Psychosis on Family Life (1960). In (163).

(170) The Family and Emotional Maturity (i960). In (163).

(171) Theoretical Statement of the Field of Child Psychiatry (1958). In (163).

(172) Advising Parents (1957). In (163).

(173) Casework with Mentally 111 Children (1959). In (163).

(174) The Deprived Child and how he can be Compensated for Loss of Family Life (1950). In (163).

(175) Group Influences and the Maladjusted Child : The School Aspect (1955). In (163).

(176) The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment.

(177) Ego Integration in Child Development (1962). In (176).

(178) Providing of the Child in Health and Crisis (1962). In (176).

(179) From Dependence towards Independence in the Development of the Self (1963). In (176).

(180) Classification : Is there a Psycho-Analytic Contribution to Psychiatric Classification ? (1959). In (176).

(181) Ego Distorsion in Ternis of True and False Self (1960). In (176).

(182) The Aims of Psycho-Analytical Treatment (1962). In (176).

(183) A Personal View of the Kleinian Contribution to the Theory of Emotional Development at Early Stages (1962). In (176).

(184) Communicating and Not Communicating Leading to a Study of Certain Opposites (1963). In (176).

(185) Psychotherapy of Character Disorders (1963). In (176).

(186) Psychiatric Disorder in Terms of Infantile Maturational Processes (1963). In (176).

(187) Hospital Care Supplementing Intensive Psychotherapy in Adolescence (1963). In (176).

(188) Child Therapy. In : Modem Perspectives in Child Psychiatry. Ed. J. Howells. (Oliver and Boyd).

(189) The Value of the Therapeutic Consultation. In : Foundations of Child Psychiatry. Ed. Ê. Miller. (Pergamon Press).

* (190) The Antisocial Tendency. In : Criminal Behaviour and New Directions in Criminal Law Administration. (Ed. R. Slovenko.) (Charles Thomas Publishing Co, U.S.A.)